Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Peyton's Birthday

We took a few friends to Build a Bear this year and Peyton had a great time. Here he is with his best friend from school.

Isn't he handsome??? I can't believe he is 5.

Little sissy couldn't hang with the big kids.


It's been brought to my attention that I don't post many pictures of Alli. I don't mean to ignore my little angel but she sleeps a lot so it's hard to take pictures. But isn't she beautiful? Look at those eyes....I could drown in them. I took her to the eye doctor yesterday because she has a slightly wandering eye (thanks to Daddy) and they found she is slightly farsighted with astigmatism. We go back in a few months to check it out and see if she needs glasses.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Oh my gosh I am so sick. Not only do I have the flu I was fortunate enough to get strep on top of it. Not kidding. Poor Peyton was sick last week and his horrible cough has continued into this week. Emmy woke up this morning with her voice almost completely gone and a cough and now Alli is coughing as well. By God's grace my pediatrician called all 3 kids in some meds-Tamiflu for the older 2 and cough medicine for all of them.

You're probably wondering why I'm on the computer. Because my middle child has an obsession with Barney and I can't sit on my couch and watch another episode of Barney. So I'm half way leaning back in my office chair reading blogs. Oh yes, it's been plop your kid infront of a tv all week and pray they leave you alone. So far so good, except I had to get up 2 times to change the episode of Barney and 3times to get Emmy new snacks.

Back to the blogs, a girl in my photography group sent out a list of sites she frequents and she included this great blog check it out: http://thepioneerwoman.com

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Peyton and his colorful imagination

What is this you ask? It's Peyton's scuba diver dress up. He is obsessed with dressing up and recently he has started creating his own costumes. If you ever see us out and about on the weekend you will probably see him in one of these get ups. We have decided not to fight it, plus we love that it shows his imagination.

Little Miss Temper

The funniest thing happened on Sunday-Emmy pitched a little temper tantrum. Now that's not unusual or funny most of the time but this time was classic. Duckie (infamous Deb, now known as Duck to Emmy) was in town for the day and we had been running errands and goofing around. We were all in the kitchen when Emmy decided she wanted something but for the life of me I could not figure it out. Totally fed up with me she screams goes to my room and slams the door. We're all standing there laughing ever so quietly so she doesn't hear when all of the sudden she swings the door open and heaves a laundry basket into the hallway followed by a loud slam of the door again. It was so dang funny I couldn't discipline her for it.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Late- I know sorry. We've had a crazy week. With Peyton's birthday and Valentine's party at school it's been nuts. Not to mention Peyton got sick this week-some kind of lung thing and I think he might have passed it onto me. I'm not feeling horrible, but I don't have an appetite and my chest feels a little scratchy if that makes any sense.
Does it look like I jipped Peyton in this photo shoot? Well I did Emmy's first, you know before grumpyness set in. So I went to do Peytons (and yes he insisted on his outfit) I only got 3 pics before my battery went dead. Ofcourse, Mom of the year didn't get any of Alli so now I will have to back track and pretend I took them at the same time-all for the sake of scrapbooking.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Do you love the new template?

Boy I do. It took me so long to switch because I was scared to lose my widgets. But thankfully I didn't. I love the simplicity of this one. It doens't have all that blinding pink swirly things.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Isn't this the sweetest?

This picture melts my heart. I have prayed and will continue to pray that my children will treat their siblings as the gift they truly are.
They truly love each other and enjoy each other.

Alli and Cereal

I was completely spoiled by my older children. When I started cereal with Peyton and Emily they both gobbled it up and wanted more from the get go. Not little Alli. We tried it at 4 months for the first time and you would have thought by her reaction I was putting my big toe in her mouth. So, we gave it up for a month and decided to give it another go in February.

I started back this week and I have to admit I was nervous. My first attempt was on Monday and it went okay. I think I got in about 10 bites and then she was done. Ofcourse, Emmy is standing in the chair next to me the whole time and she insisted on wiping Alli's mouth after every spoonful. She is so motherly-it's adorable.

Well I think tonight Alli fell in love with cereal. She gobbled it up like nobody's business, and if I went too long before the next bite she would get quite fussy.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

First Commercial job

Here are some pictures from my first commerical photoshoot. I had so much fun photographing these beautiful pieces of jewelry. I will admit I got some pretty strange looks at the park today. It was packed with families enjoying the gorgeous weather and then there I was with this huge camera taking pictures of necklaces. This shoot was also special because I used my new Canon 5D camera and new L series lens.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Big Secret

Are you ready to hear the big secret? I have decided to do photography professionally. This is something that has always been in the back of my mind and God just opened up doors for it to happen recently.

I have been crazy busy, researching and buying new equipment. Taking several photography courses, and now building a website. It should be up and running by the beginning of March. I am so excited! I have a friend who is a wonderful graphic artist working on my logo. I will be attending a workshop in Chicago with a wonderful natural light photographer- I am so excited to see this lady in action.

God has truly led this whole experience and I am so grateful I get to chase after my passion. I am also truly grateful God gave me a husband who supports me and believes in me. As my friend April said that's how I know it's a God thing because Matthew has been on board since day 1.