Friday, March 28, 2008

Checking in

I've just sat at my computer for 45 minutes reading blogs. Like I have nothing better to do? Like the laundry that I can't seem to fold and put away. Oh I can wash it and dry it, but when it comes to folding and putting away-not so much. Or what about unloading the dishwasher? Or what about doing thank you notes for Peyton's birthday that was six weeks ago? Or what about making the poster for science day at school next week? Or what about cutting out 400 measuring tapes for science day? You get my point? Seriously I just spent 45 mintutes looking at blogs? Oh well, I justify it because I hardly watch TV anymore. So I guess this is my entertainment now.

So I thought I would check in and let y'all know things are going well here. Please pray for my Peyton this week. We are going back to the allergist next week to retest for his nut allergy. Our prayer is that the allergy is completely gone. I don't talk about this much ( I never talk about things that really bother me), but it is a HUGE burden for me. I have to have faith everyday that Peyton will not be exposed to something that could end his life. No, I'm not being dramatic, his allergy is that bad. I will update y'all next week on the results.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Lelli Kelly

The first time I took Peyton shoe shopping when he was one (I don't buy shoes until they walk-why do they need shoes before then?) I saw these Lelli Kelly shoes and I swore if I ever had a girl I would buy her some. Well Emmy's feet finally grew big enough to fit them and we got our first pair. Aren't they the cutest things? And to my heart's delight Emmy loves them.

Alli Eating

You know it was brought to my attention that I don't blog enough pictures of Alli so here you go...Christie
Poor little Alli is too small for a real highchair so we feed her in the bumbo seat. Doesn't her experession say "Where's the cereal?" She is small but a HUGE eater. She gives her brother a run for his money.
mmmmm pureed carrotts

Friday, March 21, 2008

An Easter activity

A friend of mine sent this to me and I think I'm going to do it with the kids this weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. Mia and Poppa are coming in tomorrow so my kids will be wired and hyper for 24 hours straight. I still don't know what I am making on Sunday, so I think I should get off the computer and make my grocery list.

Resurrection Buns/Empty Tomb Biscuits
1. Each child takes a Grand (or other large ) canned biscuit. They flatten the biscuit out until it's about 5 inches across. They spread melted butter, sugar and cinnamon on it. We explain that the spices represent the spices used to anoint Jesus' body before His burial.

2. Then each child gets one large marshmallow. The marshmallow represents Jesus. It is white because it stands for His purity and His sinless life. They place the marshmallow in the center of the biscuit, then fold the sides around it forming a 'tomb'. (I help the younger children pinch the sides of their tombs closed and then we place them crease side down on a baking sheet so they will not open while cooking).

3.Put more butter, cinnamon and sugar on the outside. We talk about the sweet taste of the spices and how Jesus gave us the sweetest gift we will ever receive.

4. At this point you can go ahead and bake the buns. We wait and bake them in the morning while the kids are hunting the eggs. They need to bake following the directions on the biscuit package. Then they need a little cooling time because the marshmallow will be very hot.

5.When the children bite into their buns they will be surprised to find the center empty. The marshmallow has melted. As each child discovers the empty tomb, we repeat : He is not here for He is risen.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Is FINISHED!!!!! I have been working on my site since January and I'm so excited I finally get to share it with everyone. I want to say thank you to all my friends and family who have encouraged me through this process. Thank you to my husband and Christie who checked the site everyday and gave me feedback.

Because so much of my business relies upon referrals, please let your friends and family know about me and send them to my website. I have a wonderful referral program where you can earn unlimited free session fees (check out my specials on my site for details).

Monday, March 17, 2008

Old picture

If you check my photography blog you will see this posted there. I'm always posting to the wrong blog. Anyways, I am editing a ton of pictures today and I came across this one. I just love their expressions in this photo.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

HUGE news

Oh my goodness, I am so excited! I just saw my logo. MY logo, not someone elses, my logo. It looks fabulous, very simple and very me. I can't wait for y'all to see it. With that said my goal is to have my photography website launched next week. I have invested many hours in my site and I can't wait to share it. I'll be honest I'm a little scared too.

Friday, March 7, 2008


We got some snow last night. Not as much as those a little to the north (literally 10 miles north) but we got some. Peyton was so excited when he got up this morning, we actually let him stay home from school so he could play in it.

Emmy didn't know what to think. It always takes a few minutes for her to warm up to any new situation. However, she did enjoy throwing snow balls mommy made.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A visit from Christie

My very best friend (since I was 15) came into town this weekend and we had a BLAST! First you must know it's amazing that they could drive up for the weekend because for the past 6 years she has lived in Wyoming. She finally moved back to Houston this past summer and I am SOOOOO excited.
Christie wanted some family pictures taken at the Arboretum so we first attempted Saturday night, but we were unsuccessful since they had closed it down for a special event. A little bummed we went to Pepe and Mito's in Deep Ellum to drown our sorrows in chips and salsa. Then we came home and played the game phase 10 into the wee hours of the morning. I lost horribly last night but redeemed myself today and kicked the tar out of everybody-I still claim I'm not competitve :)
So everyone was up and at em this morning so we could get to the arboretum at 9:00 and here is a sampling of the pictures I took. I'm only half way done editing so I will post a few more.

This is Cade....isn't he cute?

Here is Cameron-I love his cheeks!