Sunday, March 2, 2008

A visit from Christie

My very best friend (since I was 15) came into town this weekend and we had a BLAST! First you must know it's amazing that they could drive up for the weekend because for the past 6 years she has lived in Wyoming. She finally moved back to Houston this past summer and I am SOOOOO excited.
Christie wanted some family pictures taken at the Arboretum so we first attempted Saturday night, but we were unsuccessful since they had closed it down for a special event. A little bummed we went to Pepe and Mito's in Deep Ellum to drown our sorrows in chips and salsa. Then we came home and played the game phase 10 into the wee hours of the morning. I lost horribly last night but redeemed myself today and kicked the tar out of everybody-I still claim I'm not competitve :)
So everyone was up and at em this morning so we could get to the arboretum at 9:00 and here is a sampling of the pictures I took. I'm only half way done editing so I will post a few more.

This is Cade....isn't he cute?

Here is Cameron-I love his cheeks!


Christie said...

I really like the editing on these. And we really enjoyed ourselves also. I just wish we had more than 24 hours..

April Williams said...

Such a fun time. Love the family picture.