Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Due Date

I have scheduled my c-section for September 11th at noon. We have said this entire pregnancy we don't care when Alli is born as long as it isn't on the 11th at noon and look what I got. I'm more concerned about the time not the date. With a noon surgery you can't eat anything after midnight (and you know I can't stay up that long anymore) and then you can't eat or drink anything for 12 hours afterwards. So that is officially going more than 24 hours with out eating. I did it with Emily and it stunk!!!! But ultimately as long as she is born healthy it doesn't matter. So please lift us up in your prayers on the 11th, specifically for a healthy baby and complication free delivery.


April Williams said...

I can't wait to meet her. I will be praying big prayers over you. I know about the non-eating thing. Can't wait to help you in the hospital this time.

Andrea "The H family" said...

Oh yes girl!

done deal!! I love her name. So cute. I'll pray for no hunger pains. Man..that's a long time chicky. Big hugs. Your blog is looking great. **I'm humbled you put my photography blog on yours. Actually, I'm nervous about that! LOL! I still need so much more experience. BIG Hugs honey