Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Oh my gosh I am so happy to be home. I have felt like a prisoner since Friday. When you have a child in the hospital a parent has to be in the room at all times, since little Miss Alli won't take a bottle that parent was me. As many of you know I get stir crazy very easily (like staying in my house for 1 whole day is hard for me). You can imagine how anxious I was getting being in there basically since Friday. Alli is doing great, her lungs are clear and she hasn't been suctioned at all today. However, I did insist on a bringing a pump home (I got my devilbliss Andrea-thanks girl!).

Allison and I are so exhausted, she crashed when we got home today. One funny story I have from this experience-this morning I took my daily jaunt to the "family nutrition room" by nutrition they mean saltines, graham crackers, beef broth, various juices and water. On my return to my room I was very confused because I knew my room number was 657 but the room I thought was mine said 656. I tried to go in the room that said 657 but there was a strange kid in there. so I had to back up and look at the hall and remember which room I came out of. So I thought to myself, I am really tired because this whole time I thought my room number was 657 and it wasn't. Evidently they were changing room numbers and hadn't told anybody.

Thanks for all the prayers, phone calls, and emails. I truly love and appreciate all of our friends and family.

1 comment:

Andrea "The H family" said...

Praise God girl. I sooo get you on the STIR CRAZY THING!! It's maddening. So glad your home. Sounds like she's doing so much better. I bet the kids were happy to see mommy. Big hugs honey.
Christmas will be bittersweet I'm sure. A