Friday, April 11, 2008

Darn it

Yesterday as another teacher was escorting Peyton to my car I see his teacher inform the other that she needed to bring him to my car.  I immediately thought "this isn't good."  So she opens the door to let him in and she says she needs to come around to my side of the car because she has something to tell me.  Before I can censor myself I ask "is it bad?" and she smiles and says "well..."

So she makes her way around and she proceeds to tell me today that Peyton had to pay a coin for something (that's their punishment/reward system) and she heard him say "darn it" except it wasn't darn it-replace the rn with mn.  

Of course I couldn't get mad at him.  When I looked at him in the rear view mirror his eyes were as big as saucers and when I asked him if he knew that was a bad word he just shook his head.  It was quite funny.

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