Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Easter

Here are the Easter pictures I have available thus far. I have about 60 more to edit, so once I pick my faves out of those I will share with y'all.
Isn't this the most beautiful picture of Alli? Her eyes look amazing!
I'm buying a big one of this. She looks so angelic huh? Don't let this runt fool you. She was screaming 75% of the time while taking pics at the Arboretum. She helped confirm Mrs. April's decision to quit having babies.
This isn't a great picture but it captures Emmy's quirky side that rarely comes out.
Look at my little man. He is getting so big and handsome. I'm going to have to fight the girls off with a stick.
Look at her crinkled nose. This is a rare moment as well. It takes a lot to amuse Miss Alli.
This is the look of "get me out of here, my brother and sister are nuts" This was her expression while Peyton and Emmy went wild over their Easter baskets.
We had about 5 seconds before we left for church so why not try to get a family shot with Daddy. Emmy insisted on carrying her chips and rice crispie treat-thanks Mia.

1 comment:

April Williams said...

for the record, alli was looking at me in that first picture! she loves me, i just know it! seriously, the picture is beautiful. good job.