Thursday, April 24, 2008

Grocery shopping

Okay I have to blog about this.  On Monday night I asked Matthew if he could go to the store for me because I just didn't have time.  Now let me tell you Matthew isn't real keen on the grocery store, it's like a vortex to him.  He loses all sense when he goes in and he can't find ANYTHING.  

I emailed him a list, and I specifically wrote next to fruit (make sure to get enough for the whole week).  In our house fresh fruit is a hot commodity and we go through a lot of it.  I was sure this was a successful trip because he only called me two times while he was there.  No kidding, I normally received about 6 phone calls and I end up unpacking the most random stuff.  

So Matthew gets home with the groceries and I start helping him unload and I pull out 1 little rinky dinky plastic thing of blueberries.  I was like "what?  Emmy will eat one of these by herself for a snack.  Then I pull out the bag of oranges and I start laughing because there are only 4 oranges in it.  I had to point out to my husband that our family has grown and there are 4 people in this house who consume food on a daily basis.  I don't know why this cracks me up so much, but I know I will hear from friends who completely know what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

Christie said...

Sounds just like Jeff! Every now and then he gets in right.