Saturday, September 8, 2007

Day 7 of the NICU

Allison is having another great day. I arrived this morning for the 8:00 feeding and I have fed her every time. She is such a strong eater. Even the doctors agree she doesn't do as well on the bottle. So they have asked me to stay all day and feed her through her 11:00 feeding tonight. If I do that they will give her a bottle at the 2:00 and 5:00 feedings and that means she will have eaten all of her meals by herself today!!!!

I found out last night she gained a few grams so we are almost there. Her nurse today said if she eats all her meals they might talk about discharge tomorrow or Monday. Please pray Alli stays strong, keeps eating well, and gains some more weight. I am so excited about the thought of her coming home, but a little nervous as well. When she comes home thre aren't any monitors telling me she is breathing well or alarms going off to alert me when there is a problem.

Keep checking the blog, hopefully the next time I will announce her homecoming.

1 comment:

Cricket Quast said...

That is such wonderful news. Stay strong. God never gives us more than we can handle even if it feel like it sometimes. You will all end up a little stronger in the end.