Monday, September 17, 2007

I did it!

I survived my first day home alone with 3 kids. Matthew took Peyton to school but I had to wake him up, per his request. Nothing like mommy laying in bed with you for 15 minutes to wake up huh? I took Alli to her 2 week appointment. She is up to 6.8 pounds. Not back up to birth weight but she is gaining a little over a 1/2 ounce everyday which is good. I picked Peyton up from school. Then during rest time the floor guys came to finish up our awesome looking new floors. It's taken 4 years for these floors, and they are officially done. Then after rest time I took the older 2 outside to play which meant Mommy walked up and down the block 50 times while they rode various bikes, scooter, cars and a jeep-whose battery died in the neighbors driveway so I had to push that huge thing back into our garage. I will consider that my first work out since being pregnant. All 3 are sleeping and I hope to join them in the next hour. Lets see how tomorrow goes......


April Williams said...

what are you doing pushing things like that right after a C-section?? i knew you would get up and going much faster. gets easier to do every time...just have more work to do in order to do it!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Glad to hear that you are feeling up to it!