Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tough day

Today has been rough with Miss Alli. She is so sleepy she will not eat and that has to be the most frustrating thing in the entire world. You know your child has to eat to gain weight or there will be more medical intervention needed but she won't. I had to pull out my tubing and tube feed her with my finger. It's a great trick my lactation consultant taught me with Peyton and luckily I was smart enough this time to order new syringes and tubing. Her 5:00 feed went better tonight but that might have been because she received her first bath and screamed her head off for 15 minutes so a little sustenance was welcome.


Christie said...

Did you ever think you would be grateful for the tough times you had with Peyton?

Andrea "The H family" said...

Oh honey. Praying she feeds better.

Camily said...

I know just how you feel. Molly lost down to 5 pounds, 6 ounces and it was such an emotional struggle. Thinking of you . . .